Locations » Deutsch-Amerikanisches Institut Tübingen (d.a.i.) » Termine-Archiv

Donnerstag 22.03.18

d.a.i. Goes Hip Hop. Every Week!

Mittwoch 21.03.18

9/11 - The Day that Changed America

Talk with Matt Kellogg

Montag 19.03.18

Half Broke Horses – A Journey through the American West

Talk with Jessica Strain, d.a.i. Tübingen.

Donnerstag 15.03.18

Quilting Bees

Donnerstag 15.03.18

d.a.i. Goes Hip Hop. Every Week!

Dienstag 13.03.18

(In)Divisible: Polarization and Party Politics in the American Heartland.

Talk with Emily Hruban, Bertelsmann Foundation North America, Washington, DC.