Franco Capuano

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Lizenz: Attribution 3.0 Germany
Franco Capuano
Francesco Capuano
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Born on 20.20.83 in Sassari.
When we moved from Sassari (Sardinia) to Rome, my father was at various theaters and concert events served as a stage technician. Often I could accompany him in his work and watch, so I got to know many different musical cultures. This makes me very intrigued.
1994 gave my uncle (a former DJ) be my brother‘s DJ equipment. My older brother built his fortune on my equipment in my room. „Nothing to draft“ he had said. Of course I could not resist and was promptly caught as I tested the system. Thereupon he said, „Before you do, they broke, I‘ll show you how it really works.“ So that the passion was aroused. For years I practiced until I managed to mix the songs together seamlessly.
In 1995 I moved with my family in the cities of Stuttgart and took my brother with equal facility. Finally it was time, 1997 I put on my first party. Unfortunately, I realized that I was with my fable to house music is still very alone. It was the era of hip-hop‘s, but I stayed true to my style today. In an impromptu visit to the Big-FM Wake-up Kino, a moderator asked for dancers, I jokingly said, „I can hang up while dancing, but still much better djing. This award I received my first big gig. Since this event was followed by several bookings. The experiences that I could gather there, I now pass on to young people since 2001 in a DJ course. In addition, I compose my own tracks since 2003.
To date, not much has changed, I live in my music world, because without music, my life is just black and white.
Weitere Infos
- Eventsmanagement (2010)
- Tonstudio - Stuttgart (2009)
- Peek & Cloppenburg Clubbing - Stuttgart (Resident seit 2008)
- Japgo - Tübingen (Resident seit 2008)
- Kanada Whale Night 2007 - Köln (After Show Party & Official Soundtrack Writer)
- M1 Bar - tuttgart (2007)
- WOW - Stuttgart (Silvester 2007 - 2008)
- Zapata - Stuttgart (Hauptprogramm mit Live-act 2007)
- M1 The Club - Stuttgart (2007)
- Rubin - Ludwigsburg (Resident 2006 - 2007)
- Le C22 - Stuttgart (afterhour 2006)
- Drehbar - Filderstadt/Esslingen (resident 2003 - 2005)
- Liquid Club - Stuttgart (Resident Afterhour 2005)
- Matrix - Stuttgart (2005)
- Castello Mode Store - Reutlingen (Modeshows 2002 - 2005)
- Bett - Stuttgart (Resident House Station 2004)
- Hot Spot - Filderstadt/Esslingen (Resident Sommer 2004)
- Zollamt - Bad Kannstatt (Vorprogramm für Azido de Bass 2004)
- Beverly - Neckartenzlingen (Resident 2002 - 2003)
- Big FM Radio - Stuttgart & Manheim (Resident Wake Up Kino 2001 - 2002)

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